
What is Mini Point?

Mini Point is your gateway to the ComingChat Metaverse. Mini Point is the usable currency on the ComingChat platform and the NFT Marketplace Comfuture for all games and activities.

You can use Mini Point to purchase CID/NFT and remint your NFT on NFT the Marketplace Comfuture. Mini Point is the unique credit used on MiniX chain. Every transaction or interaction on chain will need Mini Point as gas fee.

You can also trade Mini Point on SherpaX DEX SoSwap.

Where can I get Mini Point?

1. You can buy Mini Point on SoSwap by swapping from other cryptos.

Tutorials on how to swap for Mini Point:

How to swap MINI

2. You can get Mini Point on SoSwap ‘Earn’ section by staking PCX.

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Tutorials on how to earn for Mini Point:

How to use Earn

You’re All Done!

Now you have your Mini Point!! They should appear in your Coming wallet once the claim is complete.